GEM Publishing


Is Abuse Ever, Okay?


Is abuse ever, okay? The question itself is bizarre. Some people think that abuse is okay when it involves a husband and a wife or the children. How could anyone think that abuse is okay? But then, we look around and we see people who turn a blind eye to abusive situations because they consider it a private family matter. There are the husbands and fathers who think it is acceptable to control their family with fear and violence.

Domestic Violence is a nationwide epidemic. Could it be that some people or observers and perpetrators, and even the victims themselves might think that 1) Somehow it’s acceptable to use fear and pain to control others like during the days of slavery, 2) It is your right to batter and belittle your spouse, 3) Children can’t be disciplined without a beating, 4) When someone makes you angry, he or she deserves to be “taught a lesson,” 5) Many victims don’t report abuse, so it must not be that bad and, 6) Abuse is a private family matter.

 All of us need to put forth a joint effort to explore the troubling misconceptions that keeps abuse flourishing in society and from one generation to the next generation. The bottom line is people must speak out whenever or wherever they see abuse occurring. Sometimes the trauma of domestic violence in a person’s life can become such a vicious cycle until this type of behavior becomes the norm. This can cause one to develop many fears and insecurities as an adult and later, they tend to become racked with bouts of depression.

Abuse cases against women and children are reported every 10 seconds in the United States, but experts say the actual number of victims is three times greater. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, most cases go unreported because the victims are ashamed, fearful of retaliation and worried about not being believed. Instead, many keep their feelings and emotions to themselves, leading some to suffer in silence from severe depression, anxiety attacks and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

So, what is Domestic Violence? Domestic Violence can be verbal, emotional, physical, mental, financial, and sexual. It can also be human control, exploitation or misuse of property, or the improper use of something or someone. I want to encourage victims to leave fear and insecurities behind and find empowerment to take control of their lives. The warning signs of abuse are always there. The community must be more aware of the problem too. There are also abused women, men, and children in the church who are sitting near, or next to an abuser. If you are a victim of domestic violence, you can get help and stop suffering in silence. Don’t be a victim! Be victorious! Reporting Domestic Violence will not only help you, but others as well.

If you or someone you know is abused,

you can call anonymously.

Call: 1- 800-799-SAFE


National Center on Elder Abuse

1- 800-677-1116


 National Sexual Abuse



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